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Image by Kelly Sikkema
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Creating a Safety Plan

A safety plan is a personalized, practical plan that can help someone avoid dangerous situations and know the best way to react when they are in danger. It involves identifying actions to increase safety and preparing in advance for the possibility of further violence.

Safety Plan

Safety First

If you have left your abuser, think about:

  1. Your safety - you still need to.

  2. Getting a cell phone. HAVEN may be able to provide you with a cell phone that is programmed only to call 911. These phones are for when you need to call the police and cannot get to any other phone.

  3. Get a PPO from the court. Keep a copy with you all the time. Give a copy to the police, people who take care of your children, their schools and your boss.

  4. Changing the locks. Consider putting in stronger doors, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, a security system and outside lights.

  5. Telling friends and neighbors that your abuser no longer lives with you. Ask them to call the police if they see your abuser near your home or children.

  6. Telling people who take care of your children the names of people who are allowed to pick them up. If you have a PPO protecting your children, give their teachers and babysitters a copy of it.

  7. Telling someone at work about what has happened. Ask that person to screen your calls. If you have a PPO that includes where you work, consider giving your boss a copy of it and a picture of the abuser. Think about and practice a safety plan for your workplace. This should include going to and from work.

  8. Not using the same stores or businesses that you did when you were with your abuser.

  9. Someone that you can call if you feel down. Call that person if you are thinking about going to a support group or workshop.

  10. The safe way to speak with your abuser if you must.

  11. Going over your safety plan often.

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